Prix Enfantaisie - Le vol du Highland Falcon

The French translation of The Highland Falcon Thief has won Switzerland’s prestigious Prix Enfantaisie 2022!

Mystéres Sur Les Rails is translated into French by Lilas Nord and published by Nathan, and we are tremendously grateful for their incredible work. I’m told it’s quite a rarity for this award to be presented to a book in translation, which just goes to show what a brilliant job Lilas and Nathan have done.

Over four thousand and eight hundred children in Switzerland voted for this award, which means so much to me and Maya - reader-selected awards are particularly special, because it means our story has been enjoyed by so many young people. And as a children’s author, that’s the thing I always want most.

The first three instalments of Mystéres Sur Les Rails are currently available in French, with more to follow soon. Bon voyage!